Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Comedy Tonight

Well, I met the odd-sounding A, the man from Brooklyn who took my phone virginity when I started this weeks ago. I wasn't looking forward to it, you may remember, since we didn't exactly have crackling electricity on the phone. But to my surprise, I had a great time and found him fascinating. What a life! He's been a psychologist, antique dealer, and best of all, for a long time, comedy club owner. He seems to know or have opinions on everyone in the comedy business, and said interesting things about stand-up comedy and how it's done. This was unexpected, because it didn't appear in his profile (probably because he no longer has the club) and I so rarely meet anyone, much less date anyone, who shares this interest of mine in comedy and humor. He also loves movies and I do too. So I had a great time. And a nice guy.

The bad news: he said he's 68 but looks much older to me. He flunked the test of whether I'd sleep with him for cash. And though sweet, he was mostly encased in his own little world and made little attempt to enter mine. Not that he's unique in that respect. There's simply no way, alas.

Near the end of dinner (I paid for myself, to his obvious relief), he mentioned that he is forming a group of film lovers to watch old movies every other Friday evening in his screening room at home (he owns a building). I said I'd like to join, may I? He became frosty and said he was inviting only couples, no singles. I must have looked surprised, because he added that lots of single friends of friends want to come, and he doesn't want a bunch of new people in his house. We parted without the usual blather about getting in touch. Turn-off was mutual, I suppose. But fun, at least. I'm grateful for that.

More news: turns out that G, who blew me off with what I assumed was an excuse (hurt leg) on Sunday morning, wants to try again next week. Probably nice guy, but I think my zeal for the Broad Scope principle is diminishing. I don't think the men's clothing business is going to afford the same amusement that the comedy club stories did. Yes, I am aware how snobbish that sounds. But true.

However, I found more suckers, I mean possibilities, on Match today, and emailed about six of them. We'll see if any reply. I might do better hanging around hardware stores, as someone once seriously advised me (it's supposedly where the men are).

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